FallTech is the leading manufacture of fall protection because of the quality and innovation of their products are second to none.They have a wide product line and meets with our requirements on product support and reliability.
We Know Fall Protection Safety…
The best fall protection is to eliminate the fall safety hazard altogether. We know that isn’t always possible. Whether you are trying to prevent a fall with fall safety guardrails, trying to restrain a worker from accessing a fall safety hazard, or you need a personal fall arrest system (PFAS), FallTech can help. We Know How To Solve Fall Safety Problems…
Fall protection safety is about solving problems for workers who are required to work at height. FallTech has a team of engineers, field experts and fall safety trainers available to perform fall safety hazard analysis and develop fall protection product solutions for the most challenging work environments. We Know The Rules of Fall Protection…
Fall protection at its core is driven by standards and regulations. Both OSHA code and the family of ANSI Z359 standards are central to FallTech’s mission to build fall protection products that bring you safely home.