• Enhancing Safety with Bollards: Preventing Vehicle Intrusions into Storefronts

    In recent years, there has been a rising concern over the safety of public spaces and commercial establishments due to vehicle intrusions. Instances of vehicles intentionally or unintentionally crashing into storefronts have resulted in significant damage to property and injury to customers and employees. Hawaii had two such incidences that brought this reality too close for comfort. To mitigate such risks and enhance safety, the installation of bollards has emerged as an effective solution. This article explores the importance of using bollards to prevent vehicles from causing harm to people and property by driving through storefronts.

    Understanding the Threat:

    A car in a Foodland market in Mililani, HI photo courtesy Kaipo Cruz via KHON2

    Vehicle intrusions into storefronts can occur due to various reasons, including intentional attacks, driver error, medical emergencies, or mechanical failures. Regardless of the cause, the consequences can be devastating. Such incidents can lead to injuries, loss of life, property damage, and financial repercussions for businesses. To address this growing concern, it is crucial to implement proactive measures that act as a deterrent and provide a physical barrier against vehicle intrusions.